Thursday, August 18, 2005




About us
While “Science & Technology Parks” (STPs) were born in the States some 50 years ago (previously inside large companies, suddenly as autonomous centers)
in order to support the development of industrial companies,
Torism Business & Culture Park was born as a nonprofit organism in Florence some 3 years ago, in a club of Florentine friends, with the aims of supporting the development
of local companies operating in cultural tourism.

Actually there are roughly 200 Science & Technology Parks in 53 Countries in the world.
Our Project is a Virtual Park over internet that support the new protocols for Tourism and Culture

"Tourism as Social Network" our "motto".

We promote the open source operating system,
for our associates (hotels, b&b, travel agents, travel companies)

LINUX as the 'platform of choice' instead of 'proprietary' solutions
& all the web applications right for your company.
We offer also full asssistance for Mac users.
We teach how to spare time and money tips & tricks and everything else related to effectively promote your business.
Self relation marketing & Social networks
(RSS - F.O.A.F - Podcasting -Broadcasting)
Voip - phone over internet software, hardware
We offer solutions across our forum to share thinkings and
bringing people together!

You can find accomodations like bed and breakfast,
pension, little hotel.
Surf inside Tourism Culture Park.


Tourism & Leisure
Enjoy the fashination of one of the most beautiful and pleasant environment in the world.
Hospitality solutions

Culture & Arts
Florence proposes its culture and arts skills as catalyzers for a global knowlwdge and understanding amongst people in the world.
Education and Training
Art Shops Promotion

Mediterranean Food
Worldwide and historical precious experiences in food culture as health care and taste enjoy to promote and support communication tecniques and practises.
Food Education
Education and Training

Fashion & Style
First in time and first in class Florentine fashion and style as “arbiter elegantiarum”

Multinational Education
Science, Tecnology, Architecture, and Business in a multinational and
global business environment
Advanced Study and Reasearch
Vocational Training
Technology Transfer

Global Business Center
The “ideal” market where to communicate and reach the whole world.
Business Intelligence
Global Trade Network
Business Events

Tourism Business and Investments Worldwide
Customized Acquisition of Real Estate
Customized Financial Investement in Real Estate
Customized Investment in Business M&A
Customized Start-ups worldwide

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Gli “Science & Tecnology Parks” (Parchi Tecnologici) sono nati negli Stati Uniti circa cinquanta anni fa (dapprima all’interno di grandi aziende, poi come centri autonomi) per cercare di supportare lo sviluppo delle aziende nel settore industriale.
Attualmente i grandi parchi tecnologici sono circa 200 in 53 Paesi nel mondo.
Il nostro intento è quello di crearne uno virtuale dedicato al turismo e alla cultura.

Promuoviamo tutto ciò che è Open Source
per aziende di turismo e cultura.
Insegniamo agli operatori come risparmiare tempo e incrementare visibilità.
Linux e Macintosh come alternativa a Windows
Self relation markeking & Social networks
VOIP - telefonia "over" internet
Podcasting, Broadcasting, RSS, "Permission Marketing"
"High tech - high touch"
"Tourism as Social Network"
oltre che offrire mera visibilità alle sue aziende
insegna strategie d' avanguardia per risparmiare tempo e denaro.
Offre consulenza informatica avanzata (hadware - software - network -web)
a 360°.


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Tourism as Social Network
oltre che offrire mera visibilità alle strutture ricettive
offriamo consulenza informatica avanzata
creazione di siti web HTML - XML - RDF - PHP           FORUMS
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Sunday, August 07, 2005

Sant’Antonio allu desertu-I Gufi

Sant’Antonio allu desertu

Buona sera cari amici
tutte quante le cristiane
questa sera vaggiu a dice
della festa de dimane
che dimane è S. Antonio
tu nemice ce tu dimonio
S.Antonio S.Antonio
tu nemice dellu simonie.

Li arenti e S. Antonio
una moglie gli vogliono dare
ma lui non si vuol sposare
e nel diserte si fa mandare
pe navè la siccatura
de sta fa una criatura
S.Antonio S.Antonio
tu nemice dellu dimonie.

S.Antonio allu diserte
s'appicciava 'na sicarette
Satanassu pe' dispiette
glie freghette l'allumette
S.Antonio nun s'impiccie
cun lu prospere se l'appiccie
S. Antonio S. Antonio
tu nemice dellu dimonie.

S.Antonio allu diserte
se faceva la permanente
Satanasse pe' dispiette
glie freghette le currente
S. Antonio lu prende per colle
e lu mette cul culo a molle
S.Antonio S.Antonio
tu nemice ce tu dimonie.

S.Antonio allu diserte
se cuciva li pantaluni
Satanassu pe' dispiette
glie freghette li buttune
S.Antonio se ne freghe
cun fu spaghe se li leghe
S.Antonio S.Antonio
tu nemice dellu demonie.

S.Antonio allu diserte
se lavava l'insalata
Satanasse pe' disipiette
glie tirette na sassata
S.Antonio lo riprese pel collo
e lo rimise col culo a mollo
S.Antonio S.Antonio
lu nemice dellu dimonie.

S.Antonio allu diserte
se magnava le spaghette
Satanasse pe' dispiette
glie freghette le furchette
S.Antonio nun se lagna
cun le mani se le magna
S.Antonio S.Antonio
tu nemice dellu dimonie.

S. Antonio allu diserte
se diceva tu uraziune
Satanasse pe' dispiette
gli fa il verso dellu trumbune
S. Antonio cui furbiciune
zacchete e zacchete lo fa cappone
S. Antonio S. Antonio
tu nemice dellu dimonie.

Buona sera care amice
tu signore ve benedice
e fa crescere u patrimonio
cun le grazie e S.Antonio
ca dimane è S.Antonio
lu nemice dellu dimonie
S.Antonio S.Antonio
tu nemice dellu dimonie.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Tourism as social network BETA 0,9

Tourism as social network BETA 0,9

We promote the open source operating system,
LINUX as the 'platform of choice' instead of 'proprietary' solutions
& all the web open-source content managers. CMS
We use Skype to connect each others.
We offer solutions across our forum to share thinkings.
We practice social networks
RSS - F.O.A.F - Podcasting - Broadcasting

You can find accomodations like bed and breakfast,
pension, little hotel.
Surf inside Tourism Culture Park.

Monday, August 01, 2005

An Effervescing Elephant

An Effervescing Elephant
with tiny eyes and great big trunk
once whispered to the tiny ear
the ear of one inferior
that by next June he'd die, oh yeah!
because the tiger would roam.
The little one said: "Oh my goodness I must stay at home!
and every time I hear a growl
I'll know the tiger's on the prowl
and I'll be really safe, you know
the elephant he told me so."
Everyone was nervy, oh yeah!
and the message was spread
to zebra, mongoose, and the dirty hippopotamus
who wallowed in the mud and chewed
his spicy hippo-plankton food
and tended to ignore the word
preferring to survey a herd
of stupid water bison, oh yeah!
And all the jungle took fright,
and ran around for all the day and the night
but all in vain, because, you see,
the tiger came and said: "Who me?!
You know, I wouldn't hurt not one of you.
I'd much prefer something to chew
and you're all to scant." oh yeah!
He ate the Elephant